Gospel of Love

Gospel of Love
By Danny A. Tariman

“We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled.” (2 Corinthians 5:20)

“Repent and believe in the Gospel!” The priest pronounced as he marked my forehead with ash.

To repent means “to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of ones life.” And for me, believing in the Gospel is living my life in accordance with the Gospel of Christ, the Gospel of love.

I remember when I turned myself over to the Lord during a spiritual renewal seminar. I had a neighbor then who was not in talking terms with me. My facilitator advised me to forgive him. So in my heart I told the Lord I had forgiven that neighbor.

As I repented of pride and unforgiveness, the Lord empowered me to live the Gospel of love. About two weeks later, I found myself talking to my estranged neighbor as if nothing happened. I felt so free!

Dear reader, as we start this season of Lent, search your heart. If there is anyone with whom you have a grudge against, reach out to that person. Tell him you forgive him. If you have offended that person, say sorry to him and be reconciled.

Dear Jesus, thank You for giving the grace to love even the most difficult person. I pray that You continue to use me as a channel of Your love. Amen

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